Monday, 18 May 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009
KA Newsletter May 2009
Friday, 8th May 2009
Dear Neighbours,
After many years at the helm, Angus Aagaard has resigned as Chair of the Kennington Association to allow other members to take over the reins. We owe him a vast debt of gratitude for all the hard work that he has put into the role and the network of supporters he has helped us build. He will continue working with us as a member and active volunteer on some projects. The chairmanship has been taken over by Anna Tapsell, our former deputy chair. Anna is known to many from her work on bazaars, fetes, planning and other activities. As a long-standing member of the community, she brings a wealth of experience and history. Kevin Rimmington has become deputy chair. Kevin has been the liaison with our Tai Chi instructor and the Surrey County Cricket Club at the Oval. So, as you can see, the Association remains in good hands.
Angus recently visited Trinidad, with support from KA, to make contact with groups playing steel pans. This form of music, which began in Trinidad & Tobago, is played in several groups and schools in our neighbourhood and has recently become very popular. Last year Archbishop Sumner Primary School steel band played for us at the Fete. In Trinidad each year before the start of Lent a huge steel pan band competition is held. It culminates in Panorama, a battle of the bands that forms part of Carnival. If sufficient funds can be raised, it is hoped that a group of young players from Kennington can go to Trinidad next year for Panorama to visit the roots of music they have come to know and play. The planning for this project is still in the very early stages and one of the first steps, of course, will be to look for some kind of corporate sponsorship or funding. If you would like to support this initiative, please contact Angus on 020 7735 3415 or angus.aagaard@googlemail.com.
As you may recall, the Fete team has been working for some time to get permission and funding for a permanently-lighted Tree of Hope for local families who have lost loved ones to street violence in the area. Permission from various government bodies has finally been granted to light the main tree at Kennington Cross. A grant from Princes Ward Purse has been awarded to help with funding and, together with the proceeds from the Fete over a number of years, the team will shortly be in a position to install the lights and organise a lighting ceremony. Suggestions as to who should switch on the lights along with suggestions as to what other events might mark this occasion are very welcome and should be sent to margarita@omalleyaldrich.com.
For some time, the KA has been working to develop a Welcome Pack for new residents. To make this project financially feasible, it was decided to have both a hard copy and an on-line version. The hard copy, which will be produced by Diane May of May Creation (www.maycreation.com) and contain photographs by Andra Nelki (www.andranelki.com) who together have produced a beautiful cover design, will focus on essential information such as the location of post offices, free cash points, libraries, vets, pharmacies, local authorities, transportation, and ‘meet and greet’ societies. The number of copies that can be printed and distributed will depend on whether or not a corporate sponsor can be found. The on-line version will also contain brief reviews of shops, restaurants, pubs, etc and will be constantly updated. Please check out the current web-site www.welcometokennington.org.uk and send any additions or deletions to acrayner@yahoo.com.
TAI CHI: These classes have moved to Kennington Park for the summer. On Thursday the class meets from 2-3pm and is free and open to all thanks to funding from Capital Community Foundation’s ‘Grassroots Fund’ (www.capitalcf.org.uk). Participants should meet near the café in the park, and wear loose clothing and sensible shoes. If it’s raining the class will transfer to Kennington Park Community Centre, Harleyford Street SE11. On Saturday another free Tai Chi class funded by Surrey County Cricket Club (www.britoval.com) is held in the Lambeth Hall, which is part of the new OCS stand at the Vauxhall end of the Oval, from 11am to noon. At the moment the funding for this lasts about 30 weeks; BUT, a funding application has been made to cover the rest of the summer. On days of inclement weather, enquiries about the location and possible cancellation of classes can be made to Michael Jacques on 07956 913437, or by email to christine.eames-jones@
VOLLEYBALL (ECUAVOLLEY): Members of the KA have been playing Ecuadorian volleyball (i.e. three-a-side) at the Lilian Baylis Old School for four years now and meet on Saturdays from 4pm until around 8pm. On 9th May, the old school will serve as the venue for a London selection volleyball tournament sponsored by the Ecuadorian Movement in the UK (www.movimientoecuador.co.uk). We do hope that some of our players are selected. Anyone wanting further details should contact Galo Espin on 07985 603189.
LAMBETH COUNCIL LONG-RANGE PLAN: The KA Planning Sub-group has recently received yet another policy document from Lambeth Council entitled the Lambeth Local Development Framework & Draft Core Strategy on which to comment by 18th May. This is being studied at the present time and a reply prepared.
81 Black Prince ROAD: The developers of this site are going to Appeal following the rejection of their Planning Application for a 23-storied residential block. KA had previously objected to the scheme and will reiterate our objections formally to Lambeth Planning. The submission has to be in by 18th May.
Beaufoy Institute: The sub-group has been briefed on proposals for the future of the buildings in Black Prince Road and its vacant space at the rear. It’s clear that Lambeth Council is eager to be relieved of responsibility for this site. The Princes Trust has been involved in connection with a proposed school for Arts & Crafts on the vacant site, with the existing buildings to house workshops, studios and possibly a small museum displaying ceramics which would be supported possibly by a Community Development Trust. Plans are approaching finalisation; however, there is still considerable concern about funding.
OVAL CRICKET GROUND: Subsequent to the Public Enquiry on the planning application, Brit Oval, Surrey County Cricket Club and Aurora Hotels, the KA sub-group has been informed that the Secretary of State will give the decision on the Inspector’s Report on 4th June.
BAZAAR: The quarterly Bazaar remains one of the main sources of funding for the Association. The first one of the new financial year will take place on 16th May at St Anselm’s church hall from 11am to 1pm. The kitchen will be open serving tea and coffee, with cake and sandwiches. There will also be a fun tombola with discount vouchers donated by Oval Tandoori (www.ovaltandoori.co.uk), and Kentish white wine! Donations of good quality items can be delivered to the hall from 6-8 pm on the evening before or from 9-10 am on the day of the Bazaar. We also hope to be able to offer a pick up service on the Friday afternoon / evening. Please contact KenningtonAssociation@gmail.
FETE: The 5th annual Fete will be held in Cleaver Square on Sunday 12th July. There will be a good mix of stalls run by local people selling gifts, soft furnishings, jewellery, books and bric-a-brac. Local restaurants will be showcasing their food, and there will be a raffle and tombola. Activities for children will include magic shows, face painting and Punch & Judy. We already have several prizes for the raffle: from The Kennington Bookshop, Exstatic Hair Design, Vergie’s Café, The White Hart PH (www.thewhitehartpub.co.uk), St Aubyns Holistic Centre (www.staubynsholistic.com), Windmill Fish Bar, Prince of Wales PH and Gallagher & Lockhart. Heartfelt thanks to all these businesses. To book a table or get more information, contact margarita@omalleyaldrich.com.
AUCTION: The annual charity Auction takes place on Thursday 17th September at the City & Guilds Art School (www.cityandguildsartschool.