Wednesday, 31 August 2011

FOLSAP: Lollard St Adventure Playground

Dear Councillor Robbins

I hope you received my emails dated 13th and 16th August, as I have had no acknowledgement.

To summarize:

On June 16th FOLSAP organised a meeting of parents and children to which you explained Lambeth Council's proposals for outsourcing the management of Adventure Playgrounds in Lambeth. You explained that the voluntary and Council-run APs would be brought together under the auspices of some form of Trust. In response to our questions you assured us that if FOLSAP, for example, were to put forward a viable business plan, there was no reason why the Council should not pass the management of this AP to such a local group. If that were to happen you said that the amount of money allocated would be only £45,000.00 for the year, due to the Government cuts.

You told us that the APs would have to reduce their hours to one weekday session and Saturday mornings from September 1st. Parents and children at that meeting emphasised to you how important it was for this AP in Lollard Street to be open during the weekdays after school as parents relied on it as a safe place for their children to be if they were unable to get home from work; afterschool childcare being scarce and expensive with many parents having to take low-paid jobs with inflexible hours to make ends meet and maintain such benefits as they were entitled to. Indeed, it was agreed that this was a 'safeguarding issue' in a significantly impoverished area of Lambeth.

Following that meeting and recognising the very short timescale we had to develop a business plan we worked hard to do so. We consulted with possible partners, such as Lambeth Play Association and the Black Prince Community Trust. We tried, unsuccessfully, to obtain from your officers details of the terms under which the Council would be outsourcing this provision and what the liabilities would be, particularly in relation to existing staff and maintenance issues. Officers were courteous, but uninformative.

In the middle of August we were told two new things: that Lollard Street AP would be reducing its opening hours to one session on a weekday only. There would be no Saturday opening. Secondly, the Council would be seeking to offer our building to other voluntary groups who needed meeting provision. Officers would be calling a meeting of 'stakeholders' on 18th August at Lollard Street to tell us about the Cooperative Council (the Council seems to have found money to employ a consultant to do that) and what was the future for us.

Few, if any, stakeholders attended that meeting but the FOLSAP officers were there as arranged. We were told that bids had already been invited from play organisations currently under contract with the Council. The tender process would be closed on August 31st and our AP would be totally closed during the Bank Holiday week despite the fact that children were still on school holiday.

We were also told that there was no £45,000.00 available to a local management project. We asked for details of the Tender Specification and the list of approved contractors but officers did not feel able to share this with us without further advice.

Subsequently, I received from Sarah Warman both the Specification and the Approved List. I have to say that I was surprised to discover that the voluntary Adventure Playgrounds, far from being placed alongside the Council-run ones as you had explained, were actually on the Approved List for taking over the Council-run ones. I was also dismayed to see that the list included some projects that charge for entry.

Along with this information Sarah has also invited FOLSAP to a meeting on September 2nd to see how we could interact with the new provider.

What can I say? We all appreciate the position in which local authorities find themselves. We also thought we understood the ethos behind the 'Cooperative Council' but this experience has been an appalling one. Firstly, it all started too late, well after the Council knew where these cuts would lie. Secondly, Councillors and officers have presented mixed messages, not I think deliberately, but through incompetence and poor coordination. Thirdly, the Council has not acted with transparency and some of us are very doubtful as to the propriety of the tender process and the speed with which it has been implemented. Lastly, as we understand it, the successful bidder will take over its role next week, but only until April 1st. Is that right?

I went to the Kennington AP this morning and found just a scrawled ungrammatical note pinned to the gate saying that it would be closed this week. No explanation or other information about when it might be open. Two little boys were there with their table tennis bats. Their parents were back at work.
At Lollard Street there is no notice, just the timetable of the previous full week’s activities.
Is this the best we can all do for our kids?

Yours sincerely
Anna Tapsell
Hon Treasurer, Friends of Lollard Street Adventure Playground
Chair of Kennington Association

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Bazaar: Garage ready to accept deliveries

Dear Neighbours

We are now ready to accept items for our next bazaar into the garage.

If you are having a clear-out
please contact Arfa on 07875 100276
to arrange access to the garage on the Ethelred Estate.

We do not have a van;
however, if items will fit into a car,
we could ask the Car Pool volunteers if they could help.
Please email me with your contact details for forwarding to them.

Very many thanks
Best wishes
Cathy Preece
Administrative Assistant

Monday, 15 August 2011

UPDATE: Charity Auction: Here's a taster of what's come in so far....

The Seventh Kennington Association Charity Auction
Welcome to the Kennington Association’s Annual Charity Auction, an eagerly anticipated event in our community, which is now in its seventh year.
The money raised will go to our Secret Santa and Grey Power schemes, and proceeds from the sales of student art works will go to a Student Hardship Bursary at City & Guilds of London Art School.  Secret Santa was initiated in 2005 to provide £40 worth of supermarket vouchers for 100 of the neediest young families in the neighbourhood.  A new initiative in 2010, Grey Power funds a Christmas Day meal for isolated elderly people, with transport provided.
The KA would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard to make this auction a success, especially Winkworth Kennington for their sponsorship of £1,000 to underwrite all expenses, thereby ensuring that all funds raised go directly to our good causes.  We are delighted that the Art School is again hosting the event and thank Magnus von Wistinghausen and Ursula Faure Romanelli for all their work in the planning throughout the year.  We would also like to thank Sarah Lee at Countryside Alliance, who cheerfully takes delivery of and stores all artworks donated in the months and weeks leading up to the Auction, Andra Nelki for the catalogue photography, and The Black Prince PH for catering for the event.  Crucial to the running of the auction are the many KA volunteers who beaver away in the background from early in the year to the night itself, with special gratitude for the expertise and good humour of our Auction Coordinator Pauline Amphlett.
Anna Tapsell
Kennington Association

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Calling all volunteers: Table Top Sale - 24th September

Dear KA Volunteers

You'll have seen that the Table Top Sale on 24th September,
is hard on the heels on the Auction (22nd)
so those volunteers will likely be collapsed in a heap!


Is anyone else available to help Marie and Mike with the Table Top Sale?

If yes, please contact:

Very many thanks
Best wishes

Table Top Sale: Saturday 24th September outside The Dog House PH - in support of Secret Santa!

Friday, 5 August 2011

Calling all volunteers: more Car Pool people needed, please

Dear Neighbours

We have a small team of Car Pool volunteers;
however, we could do with a bit more help, please.

If you could be willing to occasionally schlep items
from one part of Kennington to another,
we'd be very pleased to hear from you.
If you have a van, even better!

Right now, there is some art work in the garage on the Ethelred Estate,
that needs to go across to the office of Countryside Alliance,
for inclusion in the Auction.

Would you be able to help with this,
or other similar stints, please?

Very many thanks
Best wishes
Cathy Preece
Administrative Assistant