The Seventh Kennington Association Charity Auction
Welcome to the Kennington Association’s Annual Charity Auction, an eagerly anticipated event in our community, which is now in its seventh year.
The money raised will go to our Secret Santa and Grey Power schemes, and proceeds from the sales of student art works will go to a Student Hardship Bursary at City & Guilds of London Art School. Secret Santa was initiated in 2005 to provide £40 worth of supermarket vouchers for 100 of the neediest young families in the neighbourhood. A new initiative in 2010, Grey Power funds a Christmas Day meal for isolated elderly people, with transport provided.
The KA would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard to make this auction a success, especially Winkworth Kennington for their sponsorship of £1,000 to underwrite all expenses, thereby ensuring that all funds raised go directly to our good causes. We are delighted that the Art School is again hosting the event and thank Magnus von Wistinghausen and Ursula Faure Romanelli for all their work in the planning throughout the year. We would also like to thank Sarah Lee at Countryside Alliance, who cheerfully takes delivery of and stores all artworks donated in the months and weeks leading up to the Auction, Andra Nelki for the catalogue photography, and The Black Prince PH for catering for the event. Crucial to the running of the auction are the many KA volunteers who beaver away in the background from early in the year to the night itself, with special gratitude for the expertise and good humour of our Auction Coordinator Pauline Amphlett.
Anna Tapsell
Kennington Association

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