Dear Neighbours
If anyone is available to help with the bazaar on the Friday evening and/or the Saturday,
please phone Gisella on 020 7820 0434 over the weekend (as she is on vacation from Monday).
Very many thanks
Best wishes
Cathy Preece
Administrative Assistant
On 29 October 2011 12:00, Google Calendar
more details »
Arfa Shah
Betty Severn
Cathy Preece
Christine Eames-Jones
David Tisdall
Julie Tidsall
Marie Bradley
Maureen Malcolm
Pat Brennan
Veronica Ledwith
Mike GebreYohannes
Eric Guibert
26th November
1 1 am – 1.30 pm
St Anselm’s Church Hall
Kennington Cross
(Junction Kennington Lane / Kennington Road)
Having a clear-out?
Deliver items to the hall Friday 6pm-8pm or Saturday 9am-10am
or contact Arfa on 07875 100276
Sat 26 Nov 11:00 – 13:30 London
Kennington Association