Christine Eames-Jones
Steve Morgan
Veronica Ledwith
Betty Severn
Brenda Collins
Fiona Clark
Stephen Blurton
Ann Carey
Jon Davies
Nikolas Fordham
Pauline Amphlett
Stephen Blurton
Cathy Preece
Jonathan Hall
Rani Biring
Mark Harrison
Andra Nelki
Malcolm Baines
Henry Ashwin
Brian Clivaz
Caroline Pidgeon
Jo Hykin
Kay Coombs
Robert Doberschek
Vicky Bowman
Sarah Ritchie Calder
Richard Malins
Priscilla Baines
Rod & Pat Brown
Sally Prentice
Sally Gainsborough
Marie Bradley
Laura Swaffield
Nazir Sulemanji
Keith Hills
Linda Haddock
Sr Marie Therese
Mary Acland-Hood
Paul Graville
Mark Brown
Meredith Dufton
Judith Weir
Dear KA member
It would be very helpful if you could let us know if you are able to join us.
Very many thanks
Best wishes
Cathy Preece
Administrative Assistant
Monday, 10 October is the Kennington Association AGM!
This year, we have a guest speaker, Val Shawcross, CBE, member of the London Assembly for Lambeth and Southwark, who will give a brief talk and answer questions, so come prepared!!
Plus, most important, you will get an update on what the KA has been doing, and
The Kennington Association is completely dependent on volunteers and needs many to make it a successful concern.
The Executive Committee is made up of up to12 members plus at least four Officers (Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) for a total of no more than 16. We also depend heavily on our administrative assistant, Charity Auction leader, Bazaar Coordinator, and Planning Forum head.
If you would like to volunteer to serve on the committee, or would like to nominate anyone else to be a committee member, please use the following form.
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the AGM . The Officers are elected by the committee at the first meeting committee meeting following the AGM.
Those serving on the committee must be members of the KA.
So please join us 10 October, 6:30pm, Durning Library.
CONTACT NAME ______________________________
ADDRESS ______________________________
Telephone ______________________________
Email ______________________________
Signed ______________________________
I nominate the person named below:
CONTACT NAME ______________________________
ADDRESS ______________________________
_________________________________________ POSTCODE ___________________
Telephone ______________________________
Email ______________________________
On 30 September 2011 18:30, Google Calendar <calendar-notification@google.
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